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The Clean Energy Package – good step in the right direction for all of us in Europe


Fri, 12/02/2016


Climate & Environment

Brussels, 30 November 2016 - Following its success in ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement at record speed, and the progress at COP22 in Marrakech, the European Commission is now also moving on with its commitments at home: “We are not used to the Commission moving this quickly on major policies. But with today’s Clean Energy Package, we are seeing an important step made towards a more modern EU energy future which will be good for citizens and for the environment and will also provide impetus for innovation, growth and with it jobs here in Europe.  This is good news and should, allow our industry which is seeing rising output and employment with the rapid digitisation of manufacturing and the economy, to consolidate this trend.” welcomes Adrian Harris, Director General of Orgalime, the new proposals. “Nevertheless, we stress that existing already available technologies would clearly allow for more ambition, especially in the area of buildings that are so crucial for Europe to realise its Paris commitments.”

Orgalime is convinced that modernising Europe’s energy system together simply makes sense: the energy transition that we are in requires us to prepare on time for managing an ever stronger co-existence of traditional, mainly centralised energy production and new production increasingly coming from decentralised sources. More renewables, more energy efficiency and flexible, smart distribution grids are no-regrets options. Modern but existing technologies manufactured in Europe offer plenty of new opportunities for everyone to benefit from this: “Consumers can now directly engage and gain better control of their energy use:  they will be able to produce their energy; and consume their energy. They will also be able to shift their electricity consumption from peak times when electricity is expensive to times when prices are lower, trade and sell their surplus energy to the grid, which will all have a positive impact on energy bills and moreover on their living environment,” explains Harris.” And with this will also come benefits for Europe’s industry:  allowing us to maintain European technology leadership in a growth area and so generating new jobs and growth prospects in Europe.”

For Orgalime making full use of the synergies stemming from the ongoing digitisation of the industry, which today is the key driver of growth in our sector, is particularly promising and forward looking: it will provide consumers with the satisfaction of managing their own energy use while optimising their overall carbon and environmental performance. Moreover, digitisation of the energy system will further boost overall efficiency and system stability and allow the development of new business services to the benefit of the economy.

With new consumer empowerment rules and stepped up energy efficiency commitments today’s Commission proposals clearly tap into jobs, growth and energy potentials. However, in the area of buildings more ambition will be both, necessary and possible, in particular with respect to energy management.

Now, the ball is with the European Parliament and Member States: Orgalime cordially invites MEPs and Member States to pick up on this package and to fully bring the benefits of the Energy Union to Europe’s citizens, society and economy. “So, European Parliament and, first and foremost, Member States: let’s make it happen! “concludes Harris, “We have the technologies, let’s now use them in Europe too!”