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Citizens' rights or backroom deals - MEPs face stark choice tomorrow on access to documents


Thu, 12/15/2011

"I hope the EPP group will not let the citizens down by supporting secrecy and backroom deals." Dutch GUE/NGL MEP Dennis De Jong said ahead of tomorrow's European Parliament vote on revamping EU transparency regulations and broadening public access to documents.

"Citizens are not passive, they want to be heard and they want their voice to count. Brussels is far away for the average citizen and Rapporteur Cashman has chosen a strong approach that gives citizens more rights rather than what the Commission is seeking - less rights" he said, calling also for documents about negotiations in Council to be made accessible.

The report will be voted on tomorrow at around 11.30 am. Among other proposals, the report expands the definition of a document and what information should be available to the public. The centre-right EPP group will seek to amend and dilute the provisions.

"Citizens need to have their voice heard. Talks with Commission and Council on this dossier will be difficult but we must press ahead" De Jong said.


GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
David Lundy +32 485 50 58 12

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20
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European Parliamentary Group


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