CEPI and EMCEF launch Social Dialogue of for the Paper Sector
Brussels, 8 December 2009
The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) and the European Mining Chemicals, Energy Federation (EMCEF) have formally applied to the European Commission for a recognised Social Partner Dialogue in the European Paper Sector. CEPI and EMCEF have developed a number of joint activities over the past few years and decided to take their relationship forward and formalise it by setting up a Social Dialogue.
“This step will help the industry and its trade unions to work together through the issues that the paper industry faces, and deepen the mutual understanding of those issues,”, explained Andrew Wooler, CEPI Social Affairs Manager.
A letter signed by CEPI and EMCEF has now been sent to the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. For the year 2010 a draft work programme is envisaged including two plenary meetings and three meetings of the steering group. The programme aims at identifying areas for co-operation and joint action. Moreover, opportunities for joint advocacy, concerning issues of high economic and social competitiveness relevance, will be developed. All matters related to salaries, collective agreements and social benefits are the responsibility of companies and national associations and therefore are excluded from the scope of the social dialogue.
"We value the close relationship we have with EMCEF and are looking forward to bring our efforts to the next level" remarked Teresa Presas, CEPI Managing Director.
The first meeting of the new Paper Sector Social Dialogue is scheduled for April 2010.
For more information or photo requests, please contact
Martyn Griffiths, Communications & Public Affairs Director:
m.griffiths@cepi.org, +32 2 627 49 26
Daniela Haiduc, Communications & Public Affairs Manager :
d.haiduc@cepi.org, +32 2 627 49 15
Notes to the Editor
CEPI and EMCEF stand for the National Associations and Trade Unions and through them for the companies and workers in the European paper industry. The European pulp and paper industries represented by CEPI deliver annually about 100 million tonnes of paper and board and 40 million tonnes of pulp. The European pulp and paper industry directly employs 264000 people and indirectly some 1.8 million. The European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers Federation (EMCEF) organises 2.5 million workers through 130 trade unions from 35 countries. Among the industrial areas covered by EMCEF is the pulp and paper making.