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CEOs urge politicians to move energy efficiency to the heart of Europe’s policy


Tue, 05/03/2011



Thirty executives representing some of Europe‟s leading energy efficiency companies and organisations published last week an open letter to EU Member State energy ministers urging them to refocus Europe‟s energy policy on promoting the energy efficiency of buildings. The letter was published in Le Monde (FR), Financial Times (UK), Berlingske Tidende (DK), Handelsblatt (D), and the European Voice (EU).

Today‟s meeting of Europe‟s energy ministers in Budapest, Hungary, will look at the EU‟s energy strategy to 2050. This represents a unique window of opportunity to put Europe back on track towards its 20 % energy savings target, create two million local jobs and reduce dependence on energy imports in a cost-effective way. However, despite environmental disasters and turmoil in energy markets, European governments are likely to shy away from any binding measures that would realise Europe‟s full energy savings potential.

“Our buildings account for almost 40 % of the EU‟s overall energy consumption. Turning them into energy savers is the single most important element if we want the EU to meet its target of reducing CO2 emissions by 80-95 % by 2050”, said Oliver Loebel, Secretary General of PU Europe and one of the signatories of the letter. “Nobody will claim that the deep renovation of buildings is an easy task, but the gains for all parts of society are by far outweighing any initial difficulties. The usual „Yes, but...‟ can no longer be an option!”.

Seven PU Europe member companies belong to the letter‟s signatories. It was published by EuroACE as part of its Renovate Europe campaign which PU Europe is a founding member of (see also

“In times where some Member States question their nuclear future and the EU envisages huge investments in gas pipelines and electricity transmission grids, policy makers must realise that reducing energy demand, and in particular that of our buildings, is the key solution to these challenges”, Loebel concluded.

The full letter is available here.

For more details, please contact PU Europe
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