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CEN and CENELEC welcome the re-newed commitment of JRC to European standardization activities


17 Jun 2010


Climate & Environment
EU Priorities 2020

Brussels, 15 June 2010 – The inclusion of scientific research and the participation of

scientific experts in the standardization making process ensure standards’ compliance with scientific evolution and results. The collaboration of a scientific centre such as JRC, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, in the standardization activities is necessary to enhance the scientific and technical contribution in the drafting or updating of a standard, and guarantee exchange of information. Achieving closer cooperation is high in the agenda of CEN, the European Standardization Committee, and CENELEC, the European Electrotechnical Standardization Committee, to ensure that R&D results are integrated in the standardization process at much earlier stage.

A cooperation agreement among CEN, CENELEC and JRC took place in Brussels on 11 June to formalise the commitment of the three organisations towards each other. Signing the agreement was Mrs. Elena Santiago Cid, CEN and CENELEC Director General, and Mr. Roland Schenkel, JRC Director General.

In 1999, a cooperation agreement was signed between CEN and JRC for a renewable

period of 5 years. The Cooperation Agreement was renewed at the end of 2004. JRC

provides scientific and technical support for EU policy-making – it is a reference centre for EU science and technology issues, and carries out original research.

The signing of this cooperation agreement is a first for CENELEC. However, JRC is already working with CENELEC on common projects, e.g. participation in research projects related to “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems” (SCADA), and also in solar photovoltaics and smart grids. The general objective of this Collaboration Agreement is to contribute more effectively to understanding and resolving scientific issues in the field of standardization and normative research. This Agreement foresees the mutual promotion of the two entities, the exchange of information and actual contribution of JRC staff to the work of CEN and CENELEC Technical

Committees and other groups, but also in carrying out specific research useful for


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Media Contacts:


Celine Oeyen

Manager Communication

Tel.: +32 2 519 6885



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