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CEEP: Public services are key to enter the road to growth


28 Oct 2010


EU Priorities 2020
Social Europe & Jobs

This was the key messages that Carl Cederschiöld, President of CEEP, presented at the Tripartite Social Summit today in Brussels. The Summit was primarily devoted to economic governance ahead of the European Council discussions on this issue.

In his intervention, Cederschiöld also emphasised the need for selectivity in implementing necessary fiscal consolidation measures. “Simply just reducing public expenditure will not only have a negative impact on public services, but also on the growth and recovery in many other sectors.”

Mr Cederschiöld finally stated that issues concerning the whole labour market need to be dealt with at cross-sectoral level. CEEP called upon the European Commission to take this into account in the ongoing European discussion on working time.

For further information, please contact:
Ulrike NEUHAUSER, Acting Director of CEEP - tel. +32 (0) 2 219 27 98