Caritas Europa – Call for Tenders
As part of the new its new Strategic Framework, Caritas Europa calls for tenders to evaluate the European Solidarity Fund (ESF) system.
Created by Caritas Europa in 1996, the ESF is a multi-lateral mechanism, coordinated at Caritas Europa level that offers solidarity-based financial support for structural costs to its member organisations, which for various reasons are unable to autonomously finance the structural expenses of their core basic operational structures.
Out of 45 Caritas Europa member organisations, 31 member organisations were actively participating in the mechanism during the 2011 cycle (13 as financing partners and 18 as recipients).
The evaluation is scheduled to take place between end of September 2011 and mid of April 2012.
Please consult the Terms of Reference (ToR) for this evaluation process are now ready, including detailed introduction to the system and its objectives.
Send your proposal no later than 1 September 2011 to
Miriam Pikaar
+32 (0)2 235 03 99
Annamária Vrzáčková
+420 603 87 38 28