Broadband state aid guidelines: Cable Europe statement
“New guidelines were needed. Local politicians cannot be allowed to distort competition by funding fibre with taxpayers’ money. Competition and cable's fibre investments resulted in +100mbps products -- five times the speed of adsl -- in over 12 member states and growing," commented Manuel Kohnstamm, President of Cable Europe.
For more information, please contact:
Gregg Svingen
Director of Communications
T: +32 2 556 21 02
M: +32 476 490 603
E: gregg.svingen@cable-europe.eu
About Cable Europe
Cable Europe is a trade association that groups all leading broadband cable TV operators and their national associations throughout Europe. The aim of Cable Europe is to promote and defend the industry’s policies and business interests at European and international levels, and to foster cooperation among its members. The European cable TV industry services more than 94 million broadband, TV and telephony subscriptions throughout the EU 27 (around 70 million households).
Cable Europe Members