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BINDING AND MEANINGFUL 2030 ENERGY SAVINGS TARGET:: A key milestone for EU long-term competitiveness and jobs


Tue, 02/19/2013


EU Priorities 2020

Energy savings must be a core issue in the orientation debate on future Climate and Energy policies that the European Commission College is having this Wednesday 20 February. Eurima -the European Insulation Manufacturers Association- is calling on EU Commissioners to come forward with a clear and coherent vision that paves the way for the adoption of a binding energy saving target for 2030 and beyond, with a special focus on energy savings in the building sector.

“Within the current context of economic, social and environmental crisis” said Jan te Bos, Director-General of Eurima “energy efficiency and savings offer the EU a unique way of addressing the most urgent matters for European economies: boosting the competitiveness of European businesses, creating jobs and respecting the EU’s medium and long-term climate targets and international obligations”.

Eurima is calling on EU Commissioners to seize the opportunity of this policy debate by going beyond a simple “10 years after 2020” perspective and providing a clear vision on how 2030 policies can help deliver the EU’s 2050 decarbonisation objective (as set out in the EU’s long-term Roadmaps).

In addition, it is essential that 2030 policies are set within a coordinated and consistent framework of mutually reinforcing Climate & Energy policies and based on the identification of the main contributing sectors of the EU economy (Buildings, Transport, Energy Transformation and Industry) and assessment of their maximum individual cost-effective savings potential in the context of the overall target.

“This exercise will underline the need for focus on buildings, which have by far the biggest cost-effective energy savings and emissions reduction potential of any sector in the EU” concluded te Bos. “Putting long-term strategies for a deep renovation of the building stock at the heart of any future climate and energy strategy will be good for the economy, good for competitiveness, good for job creation and good for the environment. What are we waiting for?”

Background Information

Eurima is the European Association of Insulation Manufacturers and represents the interests of all major mineral wool insulation producers throughout Europe. Eurima members employ over 20,000 people across Europe with the installation of insulation products accounting for an estimated 300,000 man-years.
Eurima members manufacture mineral wool insulation products. These products are used in residential and commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. Glass and stone wool insulation secure a high level of comfort, low energy costs and minimised CO2 emissions. Mineral wool insulation prevents heat loss through roofs, walls, floors, pipes and boilers, reduces noise pollution and protects homes and industrial facilities from the risk of fire.

For further information on energy efficiency in buildings, please visit or contact:
Andoni Hidalgo
Public Affairs Manager
Avenue Louise 375, Box 4
1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 626 2090
Fax: +32 (0)2 626 2099



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