AMICE members’ COVID-19 responses reflected in European Commission best practices document
The Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE), the voice of the mutual and cooperative insurance sector in Europe, is pleased to see that the wide-ranging support provided by its membership to mutual and cooperative policyholders is reflected in the European Commission’s COVID-19 relief measures best practices document published today.
AMICE has participated in a series of roundtables initiated by the European Commission involving representative bodies and other stakeholders to highlight the financial services sector’s response to the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the roundtables, the European Commission has today issued a “stakeholder dialogue outcome” document identifying the best practices applicable in different sectors.
This document is part of an ongoing engagement between DG-FISMA (the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union) and all relevant stakeholders to provide relevant and appropriate relief measures for consumers and businesses where possible. AMICE will continue to actively participate in and contribute to this programme.
AMICE President Grzegorz Buczkowski commented: “Mutual and cooperative insurers continue to show how they provide practical support and assistance to members/policyholders during this difficult time.”
AMICE Secretary General Sarah Goddard added: “Many of our members have contributed beyond their strict insurance role, to reflect their responsibilities as social partners. These included actions to support healthcare systems and workers, assist and protect the most vulnerable in their societies, and to assist in future resilience.’
More information on the steps taken by mutual and cooperative insurers to support their members/policyholders and wider society can be found on the AMICE Twitter stream.
For further information, please contact:
Tristan Macdonald
Communications and Membership Officer T: +32 (0)2 609 5647
E: tristan.macdonald@amice-eu.org
Notes to editors
About AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe)
The Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe aisbl (AMICE) is the voice of the mutual and cooperative insurance sector in Europe. The Brussels-based association advocates for appropriate and fair treatment of all mutual and cooperative insurers in a European Single Market. It also encourages the creation and development of innovative solutions for the benefit of European citizens and society.
Mutual and cooperative insurance follows the principles of solidarity and sustainability, and is characterised by customer-membership and a democratic governance. The mutual business model, with its focus on using surpluses for the benefit of its members, is the natural way to provide insurance.
More than half of all insurance undertakings in the EU are mutual and cooperative insurers which account for a market share of more than 32%. They provide cover for more than 420 million members/policyholders and employ nearly 440,000 people.
To learn more, visit www.amice-eu.org
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