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ALDE calls on Lithuanian authorities to allow Baltic gay pride event to go ahead


Thu, 05/06/2010


Social Europe & Jobs

The authorisation for the Baltic Gay Pride planned for Friday 7th and 8th of May in Vilnius (Lithuania) has been revoked today by a Court following an application by the acting Attorney General and by a member of the Kaunas City Council. The alleged reason is that the State would not be able to provide proper protection for the participants.

Leonidas Donskis (Liberal Movement, Lithuania) declared: "With this decision, Lithuania distances itself from Europe to resemble Russia, where Gay Prides are banned by authorities and minority rights are trampled: it is a nightmare becoming truth. Democracy, Rule of Law, human rights and fundamental freedoms is what we fought for and then further strengthened by entering the EU. The President and the government must act to make sure the Pride can take place, as in any other democratic country".

Sophie In't Veld (D66, NL) added: "I will participate in the Baltic Gay Pride in the framework of the campaign "ALDE 4 Equality" and with our presence in Vilnius we will bring the support of Liberals and Democrats to those exercising their freedom of assembly and demonstration and calling for equality. We are sad and worried by the 'de facto' ban on the gay pride that is a violation of freedom of assembly. I hope the courts will reconsider the judgment and that we will celebrate fundamental rights and freedoms for all European citizens with the people of Lithuania ".

Jens Rohde (ALDE, DK) is also planning to take part in the Baltic Pride: "I am confident that the President of Lithuania and the government will authorise the march and guarantee freedom of assembly and demonstration and that appropriate protection is ensured to participants. If this is not the case, I will propose that the matter be raised in the EP and call Commission and Council to act for the defence of human rights in Lithuania and in the EU".

The Presidents of Liberal International, of the ELDR Party and of the ALDE group have also addressed a letter to the President, the Parliament and Government of Lithuania calling for the march to be authorised.

For more information, please contact:

Neil Corlett: +32-2-284 20 77 or +32-478-78 22 84


Federica Terzi: +32-2-283 23 24 or +32-494 18 88 31


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