Agreement between Enel, Edf and Ansaldo Energia (Finmeccanica) sign an important memorandum for the development of nuclear power in Italy
• The aim is to enhance the role of Italian industry in the construction
of the new nuclear power plants planned in Italy.
• The cooperation agreement could be extended to international EPR
Paris, April 9th, 2010 - Thanks to the efforts of Fulvio Conti, Enel CEO and General
Manager, Henri Proglio, EDF Chairman and CEO, and Pier Francesco Guarguaglini
Finmeccanica Chairman and CEO, Enel, EDF and the Finmeccanica companies Ansaldo
Energia and Ansaldo Nucleare, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Paris on
the occasion of the Fifth French-Italian Dialogue Forum, chaired by Italian Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The objective of the agreement is to specify areas of potential cooperation between Enel-
EDF and Ansaldo Energia which holds 100% of Ansaldo Nucleare in the development and
construction of at least four EPRs (Evolutionary Pressurised Reactor) that Enel and EDF,
with Areva technology, intend to build in Italy. Enel and EDF will act as investors and
architect engineers, with overall responsibility for the project management, design as
well as construction and commissioning. They will intend to benefit from the experience
of Ansaldo both in the study, design and commissioning activities of nuclear systems and
for the licensing process.
In addition, Ansaldo Energia will participate in the qualification and tender process
carried out by Enel and EDF for the supply of equipment, installation and engineering
systems (packages).
The agreement, which has minimum duration of five years, leverages on the existing
expertise of Ansaldo Energia in the nuclear power sector and sets out the scope for the
future development of the company in this area, along with the construction of the Enel
and EDF plants in Italy.
As envisaged in the agreement, Finmeccanica has undertaken to support Ansaldo Energia
in the qualification process and in developing the activities with the necessary
investments both in terms of production lines and human resources.
The agreement and the related qualification activities will also enable Ansaldo Energia
and Ansaldo Nucleare, following the launch of a qualification process by Enel and EDF, to
participate in the tenders for the engineering and supply activities of numerous EPR
projects of EDF out of Italy.
This key agreement is a concrete first step towards maximising the involvement of the
Italian industry in the construction of the nuclear power plants that Enel and EDF plan to
build in Italy.
The nuclear renaissance is a worldwide trend: at present, there are as many as 55 new
nuclear power plants under construction, based upon different technologies, in 14
different countries. These new facilities will add more than 50,000 MW to the existing
installed nuclear generation capacity. Many other projects are also under development.
About Enel
Enel is Italy’s largest power company, and Europe’s second listed utility by installed capacity.
It is an integrated player which produces, distributes and sells electricity and gas. After the
acquisition of the Spanish utility Endesa, Enel is now present in 23 countries with over 96,000
MW and serves 60.8 million power and gas customers. Listed on the Milan stock exchange
since 1999, Enel is the Italian company with the highest number of shareholders, some 1.2
million retail and institutional investors, in 2008. Enel is also the second-largest Italian
operator in the natural gas market, with approximately 2.7 million customers and a 10%
market share in terms of volumes.
About EDF
The EDF Group, one of the leaders in the energy market in Europe, is an integrated energy
company active in all businesses: generation, transmission, distribution, energy supply and
trading. The Group is the leading electricity producer in Europe. In France, it has mainly
nuclear and hydraulic production facilities where 95% of the electricity output involves no CO2
emissions. EDF’s transport and distribution subsidiaries in France operate 1,285,000 km of low
and medium voltage overhead and underground electricity lines and around 100,000 km of
high and very high voltage networks. The Group is involved in supplying energy and services to
around 38 million customers around the world, including close to 28 million in France. The
Group generated consolidated sales of €66.3 billion in 2009, of which 49% in Europe excluding
France. EDF is listed on the Paris Stock Exchange and is a member of the CAC 40 index.
Press contacts
- Enel
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Tel. +39 06 83055699
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Carole Trivi
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