Acumen Public Affairs strengthens with tech and transport sector hire
George Niland joined acumen public affairs on April 11th 2016 as Account Manager, where he will focus on strengthening the agency’s Digital Single Market expertise.
George said: “I am delighted to join the team at Acumen. I’m passionate about DSM and very few businesses are not going to be impacted by decisions being made in Brussels. I believe that the wide range of clients and the close involvement of the Partners in the day to day delivery of services will make Acumen a great place to work.”
George has over five years professional experience in public affairs and communications in the private and not for profit sector, with a strong focus on digital issues. He joins Acumen having previously worked as a Policy Advisor for EUROCITIES, the network of major cities in Europe, where he provided strategic advice to city authorities on EU policy related to smart cities, open data, innovation, Horizon 2020 funding and cyber security.
Prior to this he worked as a Consultant for another Brussels’-based public affairs consultancy, managing clients in the technology and transport sector and in particular as a Policy Officer for EDiMA, the European Digital Media Association. Through this work George acquired extensive experience working with online platforms on issues such as intellectual property rights, data protection, e-commerce and copyright.
Acumen partner Elaine Cruikshanks said: “We are excited to welcome George to the team. His consultancy and trade association experience and strong background working on digital issues will be a great addition to Acumen and our clients.”
About Acumen
Acumen public affairs was launched in September 2010 and its growing client portfolio have included Cargill Europe, Cembureau, Dupont, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Eli Lilly, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations (IFPMA), LEO Pharma, MasterCard, Merial, Mitsubishi, Merck Sharpe & Dohme (MSD), Nominet, Novartis, PublicLibraries 2020, Sandoz, Syngenta and TIE.
For further information please contact:
· Giles Keane, Partner, giles@acumen-publicaffairs.com, tel. +32 473 89 43 28
· Elaine Cruikshanks, Partner, Elaine@acumen-publicaffairs.com, tel. + 32 475 55 45 73
· Abigail Jones, Partner, Abigail@acumen-publicaffairs.com, tel. +32 475 41 09 76
acumen public affairs, www.acumen-publicaffairs.com
Rue de la Loi 227 – 1040 Brussels | Tel: +32 2 669 16 00 |
info@acumen-publicaffairs.com | @AcumenPA