26 November 2012 /// On the 5th of December, the 3rd European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities (EPPD) will gather more than 450 delegates from organisations representing persons with disabilities (DPOs) all around Europe. They will meet in the European Parliament with European Parliament leaders, MEPs and EU decision-makers to discuss how Europe can ensure the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in this time of crisis.
This historic event comes right on time, as in 2013, the EU will have to present its 1st report to the United Nations on the progress it has made on the implementation of the rights of its 80 million citizens with disabilities. These rights are defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the first human rights Treaty the EU has ever ratified.
The 3rd European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities will contribute to fostering a dialogue between national disability organisations, members of the European Parliament and EU decision makers on building an accessible Europe with equal opportunities for all citizens.
A resolution will also be discussed and voted by delegates from the organisations of persons with disabilities calling on the European institutions and consultative bodies, the EU member states, the social partners, civil society, NGOs, DPOs and other stakeholders to take appropriate steps towards the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities in Europe.
The event will be structured similarly to a plenary sitting of the European Parliament by also using the same speaking rules.
Among the speakers of the event, there will be:
- Martin Schulz, President of the European Parliament
- Hannes Swoboda, President of the European Parliament’s Socialists & Democrats Group
- Presidents of the main parliamentary Groups (invited)
- Roberta Angelilli, Vice President of the European Parliament
- Erminia Mazzoni, Chair of the Committee on Petitions
- Pervenche Bères, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
- Adam Kosa, MEP, Chair of the EP Disability Intergroup
- Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council (video message)
- Nikoforos Diamandouros, European Ombudsman
- Yannis Vardakastanis, President of the European Disability Forum
This is the 3rd time that such an event is taking place at the European Parliament. The first one was organised in 1993 and the second one in 2003. Both events were concluded with the adoption of Resolutions (1993 and 2003) and a Manifesto on the forthcoming European Parliament elections.
Participation to the event is restricted to organisations of persons with disabilities which have been invited to nominate delegates and members of the European Parliament. However, there will be a web streaming of the event at the website of the European Parliament with interpretation in most EU languages. More information will be soon available.
Follow all the updates on EPPD here: Facebook and Twitter
Lila Sylviti | EDF Communications Officer | lila.sylviti@edf-feph.org