2nd European Conference LINQ 2013 - Learning Innovations and Quality: "The Future of Digital Resources"
2nd European Conference LINQ 2013
LINQ 2013
Learning Innovations and Quality:
"The Future of Digital Resources"
LINQ 2013: Submission Deadline for CfP Extended
The consistent demand demonstrated by applicants concerning the 2nd European Conference on "Learning Innovations and Quality" (LINQ) has encouraged the organizers at the University of Duisburg-Essen to extend the submission period for papers and project presentations until the 4th of March, 2013. LINQ, the leading annual European conference on learning innovations and learning quality, has already attracted submissions from throughout Europe, as well as Asia, America, and Africa. This year thus shows a continuation in the high level of interest which made LINQ 2012 such a successful conference in Brussels last year.
“We are pleasantly overwhelmed with the response to this year’s call for papers and call for projects,” says Christian M. Stracke, LINQ Conference Chair and international ISO Convener for learning quality from the University of Duisburg-Essen. “Through this extension we intend to even more greatly expand the diversity of both practical and theoretical approaches to the issue of digital repositories in lifelong learning, as well as learning innovations and quality.”
This year LINQ 2013 and its motto "Innovations and Quality: The Future of Digital Resources" addresses and invites experts active in the field of Innovations and Quality in Lifelong Learning (LLL). Potential points of access to this field include new learning methods and design, Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL), quality standards and certification, human resources development, competences and skills, digital resources, learning materials, and online collaboration and communities.
The LINQ 2013 call for papers invites all experts and practitioners to contribute to LINQ’s dialogue through the submission of high-quality papers describing fully-developed results, on-going work or innovative concepts related to the following topics:
• Innovations and future trends in Learning, Education and Training (LET)
• Quality improvement and learning outcome orientation in LET
• Harmonization of innovations and quality development in LET
• Digital resources, online repositories and metadata for online objects
• Web 2.0, Social Media and Online Communities for LET
• Open access, open educational resources and user-generated content
• Technology‐Enhanced Learning for schools, universities and lifelong learning
• Learning quality in vocational education and training and HR
• Implementation of learning innovations and quality improvements
• Knowledge, innovation and ideas management in LET contexts
• Standardisation of LET design, production and services
• Quality management, standards, and certification in LET
• Competence and skills development in lifelong learning
• Quality and standardization of learning assessment and evaluation
Submissions of papers related to the conference (max eight pages) must be sent by March 4th, 2013, using the official LINQ template. All papers will be reviewed by the international scientific LINQ Programme Committee through double-blind peer review. Submitters will be informed of their acceptance by the 20th of April 2013. All accepted papers can be presented at the LINQ conference, will be published in the official proceedings of the European conference (with ISBN) and distributed to all conference participants as well as throughout Europe. Specific guidelines and requirements can be found on the conference website at www.learning-innovations.eu.
Attendance at the European conference "Learning Innovations and Quality" (LINQ 2013) is subject to a conference fee (early bird rate: 90 €, after 31 March: 150€) and requires registration through the LINQ website, as places are limited. The conference fee includes all provisions including a warm 3-course lunch, the coffee breaks, the conference bag, and the official conference proceedings. At least one author has to register for the publication of an accepted paper.
Overview of the important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: 4th of March 2013
- Notification of acceptance: 20th of April 2013
- Camera-Ready copy due: 31st of April 2013
- Conference date: 16th and 17th of May 2013
For the latest information on the conference, please visit and like the LINQ Conference Facebook page at www.facebook.com/LINQConference and follow the LINQ Conference Twitter account at www.twitter.com/LINQ_Conference.
Please send full papers and direct enquiries to the LINQ Conference Manager Mrs Anne-Christin Tannhäuser, at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany, via e-Mail to: anne.tannhaeuser (at) icb.uni-due.de
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