19 European Electricity Distributors Committed for Smart Grids Demonstration
Their International non-profit Association – EDSO for Smart Grids – is now representing al-most 50 % of the electricity metering points in Europe. Smart Grids evolution seen as key enabling technology for a low carbon society and full renewables exploitation
(Brussels, September 29th 2010 ) – The number of European distribution system operators that have joined the EDSO for Smart Grids Association has increased to 19 leading actors throughout the Union representing now almost 50% of its electricity metering points. The data have been released following the EDSO for Smart Grids Board of Directors and General Meeting held in Prague on September 17th.
Livio Gallo, chairman of EDSO for Smart Grids summarizes the principles that guide the As-sociation: “The Smart Grids represent a key enabling technology for a low carbon society and would allow the electricity grids in Europe to integrate up to 35% renewable electricity in a seamless way and operate along smart principles, effectively matching supply and demand by 2020”.
EDSO for Smart Grids was founded last spring to structure, lead and enhance, not for profit cooperation between European distribution system operators for electricity as well as to as-sure, manage, represent and promote their common interests, specifically on Smart Grids de-velopment and implementation.
EDSO for Smart Grids is one of the three industry partners along with the Smart Grids Forum and ENTSO-E invited by the SET-Plan Secretariat of the European Commission to constitute (together with Member States and European Commission) the Electricity Grids EII (European Industrial Initiative) launched in Madrid on June 3rd and 4th. The Initiative is an innovative 9-year, 2 billion Euros, research, development and demonstration program developed within the framework of the Strategic European Technology Plan to accelerate the deployment of Smart Grids in Europe.
This program will be a complex, comprehensive effort and undertaking where all involved stakeholders will have to play a proactive role in order to reach the above mentioned goal. As an international Association, EDSO for Smart Grids has the aim to be the reference point and to play a key role in the coordination of all European DSOs efforts.
Founding member of the Association are: Cez Distribuce (Czech Republic),
Eandis (Belgium), Edp Distribuicao-Energia (Portugal), Endesa Red (Spain), Enel Distribuzi-one (Italy), Enexis (Netherlands), Erdf (France), Evn (Austria), Iberdrola Distribucion Electrica (Spain), Ores (Belgium), Union Fenosa Distribucion- Gas Natural Fenosa (Spain).
The new members are: Edf Demasz Network Distribution Ltd (Hungary), EnBW Regional Ag (Germany), Federutility (Italy), Hidrocantabrico Distribution Electrica S.A.U. (Spain), Predis-tribuce A.S. (Czech Republic) and Stredoslovenska Energetica-Distribucia A.S. (Slovak Re-public). The new associate members are: As Sadales Tikls (Latvia) and Sodo Electricity Dis-tribution System Operator D.O.O –Ltd (Slovenia).