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GSE elects Nicole Otterberg GSE President GSE will further boost its transparency initiative


24 Jun 2013


EU Priorities 2020
Public Affairs

The GSE members have elected Nicole Otterberg, Managing Director of E.ON Gas Storage, GSE President. Upon her election, Nicole Otterberg said: “It is a great honour for me to assume the office of GSE President. I would like to thank the GSE members for the trust placed in me. The storage industry is facing enormous challenges. GSE is working in many ways on solutions to support constructive discussions at national and European level. One of the core topics at present is security of supply. It is this topic that I want to drive forward during my term as President. I am looking forward to my new tasks.”

The election of Nicole Otterberg, has coincided with decisions on further improvement of the GSE transparency platform “Aggregated Stock Inventory” (AGSI). Currently AGSI provides data aggregated per member state. But GSE members have decided to fully disaggregate the transparency platform in order to show respective data per storage site or groups of storages. In addition planned maintenance and un-planned maintenance (outages) shall be disclosed. This further improvement requires huge efforts not only by GSE as an association but by the individual members too and is planned to go online by 2013. Referring to this development, Nicole Otterberg stated: “From the start, GSE has been committed to and has rendered a great service to transparency. We would nevertheless like to further elaborate this topic and set new standards for the future”.

The GSE AGSI platform is accessible at:

Note to Editors

Gas Storage Europe (GSE) represents the interests of 32 Storage System Operators with around 100 storage sites in 16 countries in Europe, representing approximately 79 BCM, i.e. 88% of EU technical storage capacity.  GSE is one column of GIE, Gas Infrastructure Europe, the European association of the Transmission, Storage and LNG terminal Operators. GSE is committed to improving the regulatory and investment framework for storage activities in order to help its members to continue providing secure, efficient and valuable storage services to the market.

The Aggregated Gas Stock Inventory delivers online daily data representing approximately 76 BCM, i.e. 85 % of EU technical storage capacity. It shows for 8 defined hub areas the volume in stock as well as the daily injection and withdrawal.

Press Contact

Should you require any further information please contact:

Philipp Daniel Palada
T : +32 2 209 05 07
M: +32 495 298 290




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