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Slovenia becomes 29th member of The Brewers of Europe


03 Jun 2013


Agriculture & Food
3 June - The Brewers of Europe has approved the candidature of Slovenia as its 29th member.

Beer is brewed in every EU country and Slovenia is no exception, with a rich beer brewing heritage that today creates around 10 thousand jobs. With Slovenians consuming around 80 litres per capita, Slovenian breweries brew over 150 million litres of beer each year, approximately a quarter of which is exported.
The Association of Slovene Brewers was welcomed into the European umbrella association for brewers at a meeting of The Brewers of Europe´s General Assembly in Luxembourg.

Notes to editors:Media contact


Simon Spillane: +32 2 551 18 10,


About The Brewers of Europe

For more than a half century The Brewers of Europe has been the Brussels-based voice of the European brewing sector towards the European institutions and international organisations. Founded in 1958, it has 29 members, comprising 25 national brewer associations from the EU, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. Among the roughly 4000 brewers across Europe, the vast majority are small and medium-sized, local and family-run businesses. 2 million jobs are created by the European brewing sector.


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