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Michel Bénézit is appointed President of CONCAWE, the oil companies’ European organisation for refining and distribution.


08 Apr 2013


EU Priorities 2020

Michel Bénézit, former Executive Vice President and member of Total’s Group Executive Committee, was elected President of CONCAWE on March 14th 2013 for a two year term. He succeeds the outgoing President, Dr. Josef Waltl.
After holding various positions in several Ministries in France, Mr Bénézit joined Total in 1986 and held senior executive roles in North America, Argentina, and Paris, where he became Senior Vice President of Total Refining and Marketing, and a member of the Group Management Committee in 1995. He then returned to Total’s Exploration & Production branch in 1999 where he was appointed Senior Vice President Africa in 2000. In 2003, he became Senior Vice President North Sea, before becoming President of Total’s Refining and Marketing branch in 2006.
Since 2012, Michel Bénézit is special advisor to the Chairman & CEO of Total. Mr. Bénézit was born in France. He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique and of the Paris School of Mines.
Chris Beddoes, appointed Director General of CONCAWE on 1st January 2013 commented “I look forward to working with the guidance of our new President Michel Bénézit to ensure that CONCAWE will represent the European downstream oil industry effectively in both science and policy”


Note for the journalist:
From 1st of January 2013, the two separate associations oil industry EUROPIA & CONCAWE have been administratively
consolidated into a single AISBL (Association) under the name CONCAWE.
CONCAWE AISBL will have two separate divisions which will each keep its own specific and separate focus. It is
led by a single Director General, Chris Beddoes, appointed on 1st January 2013.

Science division CONCAWE has for 50 years:

  •  Carried out research on environmental, health and safety issues relevant to the oil industry
  •  Communicated the findings in order to improve understanding of these issues by all stakeholders (industry, the EU authorities, public at large)

EUROPIA has for over 20 years represented the European Petroleum industry to:

  •  Provide input and expert advice to the EU Institutions, Member State Governments and the wider community.
  •  Contribute in a constructive and pro-active way to the development of EU policies to safeguard the secure and sustainable manufacturing, supply and use of petroleum products in the EU.

Contact: Mr. Alain Mathuren, Communication Manager
Phone: +32 2 566 9119




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