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Düsseldorf contributes to Germany’s climate targets by installing the most modern CHP plant


13 Mar 2013


Climate & Environment
Landmark CHP plant aims to achieve new records for efficiency, power output and heat extraction

A new power plant in Düsseldorf shows the significant role of CHP in the German ‘Energiewende’. The plant supplies both electricity and heat locally and will be of a revolutionary design resulting in very high efficiency. “The new CHP power plant in Lausward (Düsseldorf), starting commercial operation in 2016, will be a landmark for future power generation in Germany and beyond and emphasizes the role of CHP combined cycle power plants as an engine of the energy system transition" said Lothar Balling from Siemens (1). The latest details of the project will be presented in a key note address at the COGEN Europe Annual Conference in April.
In Germany where the government has committed to double CHP by 2020 and has put a support framework in place, there is a growing interest in CHP in many applications. Commenting on the potential for CHP Lothar Balling said “the energy landscape profits from CHP in various ways: high combined cycle efficiency, a relatively small additional investment based upon compact single shaft configuration, high plant availability and flexible operation regime and long maintenance intervals. All these aspects result in low life cycle costs. CHP is not the only way to a greener and sustainable future, but a major one”.
The plant aims to set a new world record with an electrical unit output of around 595 MW and a net efficiency of over 61 percent. The manufacturer Siemens claims that never before has it been possible to extract 300 MWth of district heat from a single power plant unit in combined cycle operation, making the overall efficiency of the natural gas fuel be around 85 percent.
CHP equipment manufacturers believe they have a clear role to play in achieving the low carbon society as providers of full technical solutions. Major players GE Power & Water and Caterpillar will join Siemens and present their views on how manufacturers are adjusting to the rapidly changing energy policy demands at the COGEN Europe Annual Conference (18-19 April in Brussels). More information on this event can be found on

(1) Mr Balling is Head of Gas Turbine Power Plant Solutions Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia at Siemens Fossil Power Generation Division.


For more information please contact:

Dr Fiona Riddoch, Managing Director
Tel: +32 2 772 8290
Fax: + 32 2 772 5044


Stefan Craenen, Communications Manager
Tel: +32 2 772 8290
Fax: + 32 2 772 5044


About cogeneration:
Cogeneration (also known as CHP or Combined Heat and Power) is the simultaneous production of heat and electricity. 11% of Europe’s electricity and associated heat requirements today are produced using this proven energy efficiency principle. The estimated growth potential for cogeneration is a further 110-120 GWe which will lead to an improved environment and greater economic competitiveness in Europe. Cogeneration units can be found in different sizes and applications: industry, households and tertiary sector and spans applications with capacities ranging from below 1kw to hundreds of Megawatts. It is a highly efficient energy solution that delivers energy savings and substantial reductions in CO2 emissions. When seriously supported, as in Denmark, CHP has the potential to increase the energy production and transformation system overall efficiency from a bare 33% (EU average) up to 65%. Realising the potential of cogeneration in Europe will contribute significantly to reaching the strategic climate and energy goals, such as security of supply, energy efficiency and reduction of emissions.
About COGEN Europe:
COGEN Europe is the European association for the promotion of cogeneration. We represent 70 organisations which are National COGEN Associations, manufacturers, users, utilities and service companies. Currently around 100,000 Europeans are employed in the cogeneration sector. More info on




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