Gaza conflict - EP backs UN recognition of Palestinian state as part of long-term solution for conflict
The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the current conflict in Gaza, calling for a peaceful resolution of the crisis. The Greens welcomed the EP vote, in particular the support for a Palestinian state and for the state to be granted UN observer status. Commenting after the vote, Greens/EFA co-president Dany Cohn-Bendit said:
“The European Parliament has today backed moves to have Palestine granted observer status at UN. With President Abbas set to present his case at the UN General Assembly next week, today's vote is a timely boost.
"While the current ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is welcome, it is clear that without a permanent solution, involving the recognition the Palestinian state, future violence is inevitable. With negotiations stalled, UN recognition could help give new impetus to the peace process. Following today's vote, the EU and its member states should now follow suit and back UN observer status for Palestine.
"MEPs have also urged an end of violence on both sides. To this end, it is to be hoped that the current ceasefire sticks."