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E2BA opens a Public Consultation on the Roadmap “Energy-efficient Buildings PPP beyond 2013”


24 Jul 2012



Unique Opportunity to Shape the Research and Innovation Roadmap towards Horizon 2020

In the framework of the PPPs Info days organised by the European Commission on July 9 and 10 at Charlemagne building in Brussels, the Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA) has introduced the first draft of a new Energy-efficient Buildings Research and Innovation Roadmap covering the period 2014-2020.

This draft roadmap aims to align the industry long term plans with the content of Horizon 2020 proposal, where a clear research line on “Technologies enabling Energy-efficient buildings” has been proposed by the European Commission. A revision of this document after Public Consultation of the wide stakeholders’ community is expected in the coming months. 

E2BA is pleased to inform you about the opening of this Public Consultation on the roadmap.

This is a unique opportunity to have your say in the creation of the next E2BA strategic research and innovation roadmap for the 'Energy-efficient Buildings' public-private partnership under Horizon 2020.

E2BA’s ambition is to drive the creation of an innovative high-tech energy efficiency industry extending the scope of the running EeB PPP beyond 2013, to be able to deliver new or refurbished, user centric and affordable buildings/districts in line with European and national commitments towards 2050.

The aim of this Public Consultation is to ensure that the resulting roadmap will reflect truly European opinions on the research priorities of industry, end-users and the wider stakeholders’ community.

This consultation is open to all.

The consultation process will run until 1 October 2012 to ensure that interested parties have ample time to provide their feedback on this key document. E2BA will fine-tune the roadmap according to the feedback that we will receive with the aim of having a final version ready in early 2013.

The final version of the roadmap will be presented to the European Commission as the core element of the industrial proposal for a Public-Private Partnership on Energy-efficient Buildings under Horizon 2020.

To provide your input, download the documents below. The completed Feedback Form should be sent to by 1 October 2012.

Download the Consultation Document | Download the Feedback Form



Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
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EBA - European Biogas Association
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Hekla Communications
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