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EuroCommerce welcomes the Commission’s new plans for a “job-rich recovery”


19 Apr 2012


Social Europe & Jobs

EuroCommerce today welcomed the Commission’s new proposal¹ for a job-rich recovery in Europe. In particular, EuroCommerce applauded the Commission’s efforts to improve the implementation of flexicurity principles, tackle undeclared labour, address the mismatch in skills, and mobilise funds for job creation. The communication also addresses the underlying importance of promoting entrepreneurship, a fundamental aspect for the commerce sector.

However, EuroCommerce regrets that the commerce sector (31 million jobs) has been overlooked as a major source of employment in Europe. “Commerce, the largest private sector employer in Europe, plays an important role in job creation and provides numerous entrepreneurship opportunities; we had expected that it would have earned more consideration in the package,” said EuroCommerce Director General, Christian Verschueren.

EuroCommerce would like to see greater efforts in improving flexibility in the labour markets and encourages national bodies to maintain exclusive competences over wage setting.

¹European Commission Communication: “Towards a job-rich recovery


For further information, please contact:

Marjolein Raes

Director, Advocacy & Communications

Tel: +32 2 737 05 99


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