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MEPs to question Commission on Schmallenberg outbreak


15 Mar 2012


Agriculture & Food

MEPs will today (Thursday) question the European Commission on its plans to address the outbreak of the Schmallenberg virus (SBV) which is causing a range of deformities and stillbirths in sheep, goats and cattle in a number of EU countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom.

ALDE MEP George Lyon (Liberal Democrat, UK), ALDE coordinator on the Agriculture Committee, said:

"Farmers across Europe are concerned that the Schmallenberg outbreak will threaten the lambing and calving season now that temperatures start rising and midges which appear to carry the virus are spreading. The Commission must assure farmers that they are not facing this outbreak on their own. The Commission must give us guarantees that they take the necessary action to ensure a coordinated solution is found across the Member States affected by the outbreak." 

ALDE MEP Britta Reimers (FDP, Germany), who will speak on behalf of the ALDE Group in the debate, added:

"The Commission must clarify what it is doing to co-ordinate and oversee data collection in Member States as recommended by EFSA. We must demonstrate to farmers that we have learned from previous crises in the livestock sector and we must prove to the public that there are plans in place should a public health concern arise."

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