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Gaddafi death - Libya must now move on, begin reconciliation and leave revenge behind


21 Oct 2011


Global Europe
Med & South

Commenting on the reported death of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, Green foreign policy spokesperson Franziska Brantner said:

"Libya must now move on and begin a true process of reconciliation and rebuilding, leaving revenge behind. While it clearly would have been preferable if Gaddafi had been captured and tried for his long list of crimes, today will hopefully mark the beginning of a new chapter for Libya.

"The new Libyan authorities need to show they are serious about the rule of law and human rights, and ensure that Gaddafi loyalists charged with crimes are judged in fair and transparent trials, in cooperation with the International Criminal Court if necessary, and that the human rights of citizens belonging to minorities are guaranteed. A nationwide process of reconciliation is a key condition for a peaceful and prosperous Libya in the long run. The EU should provide assistance to the National Transitional Council to address human rights concerns, including violence against women, and provide mediation capacities to help the process of reconciliation.


"Abruptly unfreezing Gaddafi's assets, without assistance and expertise on how to actually recuperate these, will not help the Libyan people. The EU should instead provide assistance in this regard before the process of recuperating the assets begins."

(1) Franziska Brantner was part of a Green delegation to Libya last month, which was invited by the National Transitional Council.

Richard More O'Ferrall,

Press and media officer,

Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament

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