Press invitation - Press conference: Proper anti-corruption and transparency rules for the EP or cosmetic changes?
Press invitation - Press conference
Proper anti-corruption and transparency rules for the EP or cosmetic changes?
When: Tuesday, 28 June - 09.30-10.00
Where: European Parliament press room PHS 0A50 Brussels
With: Claude Turmes - Green MEP and member of the EP working group on reforming the EP code of conduct
In the wake of the recent MEP cash-for-amendments scandal the EP committed to strengthen its transparency and anti-corruption rules. The working group set up by EP president Buzek to make proposals to this end is set to finish its deliberations on the afternoon of Tuesday, 28 June.
In advance of this meeting, Green MEP and member of the working group Claude Turmes will give an overview on the planned proposals for a code of conduct for MEPs, highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the draft and present the red lines of the Greens/EFA group in this matter.