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Russia must respect her international obligations or face sanctions


18 Feb 2011


Global Europe

Following on the initiative by ALDE, a debate on the rule of law in Russia was held this week in the European Parliament.

Guy Verhofsadt, ALDE President, "We have been put under pressure from Russia not to have this debate, it is not for Russia to decide the agenda of the European Parliament, it is for our democratically elected members.

On the subject of rule of Law in Russia, Kristiina Ojuland, (Eesti Reformierakond, Estonia), Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee told Parliament that Russian authorities are blatantly enforcing "unconstitutional law and order".

She continued "We consider Russia to be an important partner to the EU; therefore we expect Russia  to respect her international obligations and protect the constitutional rights of her citizens.  Violations of human rights, civil liberties as well as the rule of law have become commonplace in Russia.  It is hard to envisage foreign or domestic business investments in such climate."

Graham Watson, (Liberal Democrat, UK)  " Many of us in the European Parliament  see Russia as part of the great family of European nations and after the fall of the Berlin wall we  had hoped we would see Russia move closer to the European Union. Sadly that has not happened."

ALDE secured a paragraph in the final resolution reminding the Council and the High Representative of the full array of appropriate measures they may use when faced with systematic human rights abuses and failures to uphold the rule of law, such as sanctions.

For more information, please contact / Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:
Corlett Neil - Tel:+32 2 284 20 77 Mob:+32 478 78 22 84
Crosse Edel - Tel:+32 2 284 31 28 Mob:+32 498 16 17 80    


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