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NGO anti-biofuels paper is biased and self-serving


30 Jun 2010


Climate & Environment

Brussels, Today - At an event titled “Bio-energy and Bio-fuels: a carbon accounting time bomb” organized at the European Parliament, three environmental NGOs presented their own studies one on bioenergy and one on biofuels. The one on biofuels from CE Delft suggests that the EU Biofuels policies could be increasing GHG emissions compared to fossil fuels. “This study does not go beyond unproven theories and its conclusions are totally unfounded”, says Rob Vierhout, Secretary-General, eBIO.

“This exercise is yet another attempt by anti-biofuel organizations to destabilize the EU climate and energy security objectives – and is based on allegations and information that won’t stand up to scrutiny”, said Vierhout. “To our knowledge, the paper has not been peer-reviewed. The research is not independent and is inherently biased. It is tantamount to propaganda from vested interests.”

The paper addresses the unproven theory on Indirect Land Use change (ILUC). Not surprisingly, its conclusions are not very favourable to biofuels. It should be noted that incorrect and out of date data is used. Its results are based on a random averaging of arbitrarily selected studies. Only worst case unconfirmed ILUC factors have been used, conveniently overlooking biofuels pathways showing positive effects on land use change. Moreover, the potential effects of the existing biofuel policy and technology improvements are fully ignored. Had the approach been more balanced and objective, the results and conclusions would have been much different.

“The work presented today is in true sense ILUC-Ideology” said Vierhout. “While the latest independent and peer-reviewed studies clearly show biofuels to be far superior to fossil fuels in many ways, environmental activists still make those unfounded claims. However, it’s refreshing to see that policy- makers and interested parties are increasingly looking at this type of allegations with a critical eye rather than falling prey to the scaremongering. Policy discussion must be based on science and facts, not on emotion and passion.”

The EU ethanol industry has invested more than 6 billion Euro in production capacity and thousands of jobs are being created in times of economic crisis. Domestic bioethanol offers a welcome alternative to our oil addiction that forces us to increasingly deploy more costly and polluting sources.

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