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CESI Commentary on improving conditions for maternity leave


08 Oct 2008


Social Europe & Jobs

Helmut Müllers, the CESI General Secretary, and Kirsten Lühmann, the CESI FEMM Committee President, commenting on the EU Commissions proposal for a revised directive on maternity leave:

“The CESI highly welcomes the EU Commission proposal for a revised directive on maternity leave. The extension of maternity leave from 14 to 18 weeks will strengthen the rights of women workers by giving them more flexibility when taking leave and supporting the women’s recovery after giving birth. Additionally, the revised financial support orientated on the salary and the reinforced protection against dismissal for women taking maternity leave ensures a better balance between professional and private live.
Facing demographic change the need for qualified and highly motivated women in the labour market is increasing. The EU Commission proposal on maternity leave is pointing the right direction to secure the workforce of highly qualified women for the labour market.”

Helmut Müllers, CESI General Secretary
Kirsten Lühmann, CESI FEMM Committee President

CESI is the mouthpiece for eight million workers in the public and private sector. Founded in 1955 as a European umbrella organization bringing together independent and free trade unions with affiliates in more than 20 European Union Member States, it is recognized by the European Commission as a social partner. 

For further information:     Nina Lucia Potzeldt         Tel. : +32 (0)2 282 1870
E-mail:    Internet:        Fax: +32 (0)2 282 1871


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