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Caritas Europa

Press Releases of this organisation

Poverty and inequality is a threat to both people and democracy! Caritas Europa 22 May 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa to European decision makers: Put the Family first when shaping the future of Europe Caritas Europa 15 May 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
New Report on Food Security: How the EU can champion the fight against world hunger Caritas Europa 15 Apr 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
The human cost of austerity: Poor people paying for a crisis they did not cause Caritas Europa 27 Mar 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Call for tenders: Crisis Monitoring Report 2014 Caritas Europa 21 Mar 2014
Call for tenders: Shadow Report and Country Report Caritas Europa 21 Mar 2014 EU Priorities 2020
Thank you MEPs for supporting the people of Ukraine Caritas Europa 28 Feb 2014 Europe's East, Global Europe
Civil society organisations welcome the new FEAD Caritas Europa 26 Feb 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Protect People in Need while Protecting National Borders Caritas Europa 09 Oct 2013 Justice & Home Affairs, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa to world leaders: Show commitment to end the scandal of hunger Caritas Europa 24 Sep 2013 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
New Report: EU failing its own Treaty with incoherent actions towards developing countries Caritas Europa 20 Sep 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
The future of the Welfare State is a key issue for the European Union, says Caritas Europa Caritas Europa 05 Sep 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa calls on the EU to ensure effective right to family life for all refugees Caritas Europa 20 Jun 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
“25 million children in the European Union at risk of poverty or social exclusion Caritas Europa 31 May 2013 Social Europe & Jobs, Sustainable Dev.
Caritas directors calls on the European Union to fight poverty with a clear agenda for Post-2015 Caritas Europa 27 May 2013 Regional Policy, Social Europe & Jobs, Sustainable Dev.
Caritas Europa statement on International Day of Families (May 15th) Caritas Europa 15 May 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas draws attention to worsening situation of Roma people in Europe on International Roma Day Caritas Europa 08 Apr 2013 Justice & Home Affairs, Social Europe & Jobs
Cyprus bailout: The most vulnerable groups must not pay for correcting banks’ errors Caritas Europa 04 Apr 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
High-level conference discusses EU response to economic crisis: Is the EU capable of an effective response to the growing crisis? Caritas Europa 21 Feb 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance
Economic crisis is not over - worst is still to come, claims Caritas Europa Caritas Europa 14 Feb 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
The Beyond 2015 Framework must include Poverty, Food Security and Participation Caritas Europa 08 Feb 2013 Agriculture & Food, Social Europe & Jobs, Sustainable Dev.
The European Commission proposal on the European Year of Citizens 2013 lacks focus on the poor and socially excluded Caritas Europa 10 Jan 2013 Social Europe & Jobs
Member States hampering family reunification are in breach with EU law Caritas Europa 18 Dec 2012 EU Priorities 2020, Justice & Home Affairs, Social Europe & Jobs
Migrants have rights too: The European Council must live up to the EU’s role as champion of human rights Caritas Europa 07 Dec 2012 Social Europe & Jobs
The EU Eastern Partnership’s programme must deliver more on migration Caritas Europa 28 Nov 2012 Justice & Home Affairs, Regional Policy, Social Europe & Jobs
The 2014-2020 EU-budget must include right steps and fundings to reach poverty goal of Europe 2020 strategy Caritas Europa 21 Nov 2012 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
On Free Humanity from Hunger and How to ensure the Right to Food in the post 2015 development framework: THE RIGHT TO FOOD SHOULD BE THE FOUNDATION OF THE POST 2015 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Caritas Europa 23 Oct 2012 Social Europe & Jobs, Agriculture & Food
The EU must guarantee the Right to Food in the Post-2015 development framework, says Caritas Europa Caritas Europa 17 Oct 2012 Social Europe & Jobs
UN Special Rapporteur to Caritas Europa: "Governments must keep their promises on the Right to Food" Caritas Europa 21 Sep 2012 Social Europe & Jobs
Respect for Human Rights Must Be on Top of FRONTEX's Agenda Caritas Europa 19 Sep 2012 Social Europe & Jobs



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