The EU must guarantee the Right to Food in the Post-2015 development framework, says Caritas Europa
Brussels, 17 October 2012, for immediate release
Caritas Europa expects that EU policies in assistance, investments and trade will effectively contribute to ensure the “Right to Food” in the post-2015 development framework. Secure access to adequate and safe food is a universal Human Right, which all states of the international community are mutually obliged to respect, protect and fulfill.
As the world’s largest actor in agricultural trade, the EU has a special responsibility in this respect. In accordance with its significant impact on global food security and its human rights obligations, Europe must take on international leadership to uphold the Right to Food.
Together with Caritas International Belgium, CIDSE and CYINDEP, Caritas Europa presents its political demands for the post-2015 framework at the EU Development Days, in Brussels today from 14:00 to 15:30. Follow the live streaming of the high-level panel here (+ all relevant information).
The four organisations strongly endorse the EU Food Security Policy Framework, and believe that the Implementation Plan will make a significant contribution to building a more food secure world for all. In this regard, we encourage the setup of a formal mechanism for receiving complaints on the non-fulfillment of the Right to Food.
We are convinced that the EU should follow the Human Rights based approach (HRBA), which includes an extraterritorial obligation not to violate the Right to Food of the people of other countries, in its support to all elements of food and nutrition security, and commit to concrete actions to make this approach operative.
As the Committee on Food Security (CFS) is the most legitimate organ to guide international food security governance based on the Universal Human Right to Food, the EU should continue to lead the way in supporting its initiatives.
Moreover, in order for the EU to effectively contribute to the upholding of the Right to Food, European policies related to assistance, investments and trade must be coherent.
Therefore, the EU must demonstrate great efforts to make Policy Coherence for Development an operational element of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) but also of the European market reforms, which affect speculation in commodities markets, and of the energy policies, which incentive agro fuels.
Finally, the EU should continue to support countries in designing national Right to Food strategies and programmes, which fully incorporate the right to adequate, safe and nutritious food.
In an exclusive interview with Caritas Europa, screened at the EDDs today, UN Special Rapporteur Olivier De Schutter reminds governments that “the Right to Food is much more than just a symbol. It is much more than just a legal commitment. It is an operational tool that can improve significantly our work towards sustainable development and against poverty and food insecurity.” Watch the full interview here.
For further information please contact:
Thorfinnur Omarsson Communication Officer – Press relations tomarsson@caritas-europa.org
To read the full PR, please see the document in attachment