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The new EU Batteries Regulation: Towards sustainable batteries for a circular and climate neutral economy


15 Jun 2023



Brussels, 14.06.2023 – Today the European Parliament is voting on the new EU Batteries Regulation, and RECHARGE  welcomes this blueprint legislation regulating the whole life-cycle of batteries placed on the EU market. RECHARGE, the  expert voice of the advanced rechargeable and lithium batteries value chain, remains supportive during the development of the secondary legislation for a successful implementation of the provisions. “It is key that the Regulation can deliver on  advancing the decarbonisation and energy transition in the EU, and that the European batteries value chain becomes a  competitive global leader, able to set sustainability standards globally”, commented Claude Chanson, RECHARGE General  Manager, looking ahead to the implementation phase.  

For the rapid development of a domestic value chain and complementary to the new EU Batteries Regulation, RECHARGE  welcomes the two supportive legislations, the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Net Zero Industry Act. “Finally, what we need  now is a speedy inter-institutional agreement on the Net Zero Industry Act as well as the Critical Raw Materials Act to avoid a  standstill of projects. If Europe wants to accelerate the energy transition, reduce carbon emissions, invest in new technologies  and increase economic resilience, it should act fast and decisive”, commented Kinga Timaru-Kast, Director for Public Affairs &  Communications at RECHARGE. 

RECHARGE has advocated for years for a batteries framework to include requirements on the carbon footprint of the product  and for social responsibility of the companies active in the field. The new EU Batteries Regulation shapes the future for a  sustainable battery value chain and its ability to assist in Europe meeting its carbon-neutrality objectives. “Carbon intensity  and due diligence provisions have the potential to not only prevent underperforming batteries from entering the EU market,  but to truly work towards the climate-neutrality and sustainability objectives of the EU. The new sustainability measures will  set the rules for the game for selling batteries in Europe. This can only be successful with effective enforcement and control of  the provisions. Furthermore, if correctly implemented, both the carbon footprint and due diligence have an unsurpassed  steering potential to push European competitiveness based on sustainability and responsibility”, added Chanson. 

RECHARGE is now committed to work with EU legislators on the broad package of implementing legislation and to translate  the ambition of the Regulation into feasible and meaningful rules. A prerequisite for a flourishing sustainable and competitive European battery ecosystem is a successful implementation of the Batteries Regulation for which information traceability, third  party audits as well as enforcement and control at Member States level are crucial. RECHARGE looks forward to continuing playing a key role in supporting the development of the battery value chain in Europe, to provide expert input to policymakers  to shape secondary acts of the Regulation and ensuring a proper implementation of the Batteries Regulation.


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