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European Commission pilot project on repurposing brings value added innovation to life


28 Oct 2021


Health & Consumers

Innovation on existing, well known molecules by repurposing can deliver massive benefits for patients, meeting unmet medical needs in a sustainable way. The European Commission Safe and Timely Access to Medicines for Patients (STAMP) expert group, established in 2015 and supporting repurposing policies since that time, has today launched a project to assist bringing value added repurposing to life.

Repurposing has shown its value during COVID-19, where existing medicines were used to treat very sick patients. But it has value beyond this therapy area and has huge potential, as for example in oncology.

The STAMP pilot project aims to connect academic researchers with regulatory authorities for early scientific advice on repurposing projects. This connection will be instrumental in generating a data package robust enough to support the future transformation of the research to real life access for patients.

While this pilot project is a great first step to support clinical researchers in their research projects on existing molecules, it must become a part of a broader sustainable repurposing ecosystem. Clinical research needs to be followed by quick and simple regulatory steps which allow pharmaceutical companies to bring new indications on the label and allow for patient-centric design of new treatments. There can often be additional steps in the form of adaptations of the reformulation, new strengths or adaptation for specific patient groups (i.e. paediatric population). These investments must also be recognised in pricing and reimbursement policies to make it successful.  

Medicines for Europe is a dedicated partner in the STAMP expert group and will facilitate the contact between researchers and company members of the Medicines for Europe. 

For more information on the work of the STAMP expert group, see

For more information on the pilot project, see  

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