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Europe's gene-revolution


10 Feb 2021


Agriculture & Food
Consumer Choice Center releases policy note on genetic engineering

Brussels, BE - Today the Consumer Choice Center released a new policy note, titled "It's in our genes - Seizing the opportunities of genetic engineering in agriculture. Commenting on the paper, the author, the CCC's Senior Policy Analyst Bill Wirtz, says that genetic engineering channels the unique factors of necessary innovation into exciting scientific progress.

"With gene-editing technology such as CRISPR-Cas9, we are able to solve agricultural challenges that our ancestors would have believed to be insurmountable. Whether it's gluten-free wheat or nuts that don't cause allergies, CRISPR is a valuable tool that Europe needs to permit itself to use", explains Wirtz.

"CRISPR is also a discovery that was arrived by -- in part -- by European scientists. However, outdated EU legislation currently permits us from using it in the field of agriculture. Other countries, such as Canada or Brazil, are ahead of the EU in this area."

"We need to update existing rules and bring them into the 21st century as soon as possible. Europe cannot miss out on the opportunities of genetic engineering. We need new breeding technologies to deal with climate change, scarce resources, and international competition", concludes Wirtz.

You can find the full policy note on genetic engineering HERE

***CCC’s Bill Wirtz is available to speak with accredited media on consumer regulations and consumer choice issues. Please send media inquiries HERE.***



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