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EASEE-gas releases guidelines on the use of Energy Identification Codes


20 May 2020



Brussels, 20 May 2020

EASEE-gas publishes guidelines and recommendations for gas players active in the European market on how to request and where to use the Energy Identification Code (EIC).

An EIC is a unique 16-character identification code of market participants and other entities active in the internal energy market in Europe. The use of EIC is the most common practice in electronic messages exchanges between gas market parties.

The Common Business Practice (CBP) on Energy Identifier Coding published by EASEE-gas aims to support all new and existing gas players interested in implementing this code for their IT exchanges or trades. The CBP provides guidance on how to get this code, where to find the correct related information and lists the main applications where its utilisation is recommended or already compulsory.

Charlotte Besnier, who is leading EASEE-gas' work on CBPs, said, "The EIC code allows for the reliable and efficient identification of gas market players and contributes to the harmonisation of electronic data exchanges. This CBP was developed by EASEE-gas to support gas market players to get started and make the best use of this code for their operations. We particularly encourage its application to upstream and midstream IT system exchanges."

Since its foundation in 2002, the members of EASEE-gas, representing all segments of the gas industry, have developed more than 20 CBPs. The CBPs intend to simplify and harmonise business processes between gas stakeholders in Europe by providing recommendations regarding process handling, messages exchange and technology standards.


About EASEE-gas

EASEE-gas (European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas) was set up in 2002 in order to develop and promote business practices to simplify and streamline both physical gas transfer and trading across Europe. At present, EASEE-gas comprises 85 companies active in the European gas market. 


Maria Dinis

Communications Manager

Tel: +32 2 773 15 24



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