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Tripartite Social Summit: Ceep President Katherina Reiche highlights priorities for employers and providers of public services and SGIs


16 Oct 2018


Social Europe & Jobs

At the Tripartite Social Summit, CEEP President Katherina Reiche addressed the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and the Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz with the main messages of providers and employers of public services and SGIs on current challenges.
Ms Reiche focused her speech on three messages:

On the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027: “In line with President Juncker’s call in the State of the Union, we urge the Council to reach – at the very least – an agreement in principle on the next Multiannual Financial Framework, ahead of the European elections next year. We call for a clear and predictable financial framework to plan necessary future investments.”
On Digitalisation, and the need for a level playing field: “The EU has to develop a clear and common strategy on how to create a level playing field in a very global and competitive environment and has to consult the social partners during that process. The right design of a European data economy will be the difference between a Europe that is a competitive digital powerhouse and a Europe that is reduced to a mere marketplace for the global players from Asia and America.”
On the Investment needs in Europe: “Despite the Juncker plan there is still a sizeable investment gap. In fact, infrastructure investment activities have dropped over the last years and we are falling behind. For that reason, Europe requires a strong investment agenda: investments for all kinds of infrastructures must be reinforced, from essential services such as transport and energy to social services like health and to investments for the necessary digital transformation towards a 5G economy.”

CEEP also published today its Pulse of Public Services, highlighting the expectations of employers and providers of SGIs, as well as the main challenges they are facing.


For further information, please contact:
Maxime STAELENS, Communication Officer
Tel.: + 32(0) 2 229 21 40

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CEEP, European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and SGI, is one of the three general cross-sectoral European Social Partners. It gathers public and private providers of services of general interest from across Europe. CEEP members contribute to more than 26% of EU GDP and employ 30% of the EU workforce.


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