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Highlights from #TRA2018


26 Apr 2018
NEWS – Brussels – April 2018
As the biggest European transport research conference, TRA 2018 has proven to be the place to be for transport researchers! ERTRAC was highly involved, active in many sessions and holding a booth together with the European Green Vehicles Initiative.
ERTRAC shared the event focus on Digitalisation, Automation and Decarbonisation, which are the major challenges for Transport that were discussed throughout the 4 days of the conference: these innovation fields are at the core of ERTRAC’s Vision for the future of Mobility in Europe.
1.1 Launch of the new ERTRAC Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for FP9
On the first day of the conference, the ERTRAC team presented the new Strategic Research Agenda of the platform: the SRA is the key document of ERTRAC to prepare the next European Research Framework Programme – FP9. Therefore, it provides Innovation challenges and Research and Development topics for the timeframe 2020-2030.
Complementing detailed presentations of R&D topics by the Leaders of the ERTRAC Working Groups, the ERTRAC Chairman Stephan Neugebauer stressed the importance of Mobility and especially Road
Transport for the society and the economy: the new ERTRAC SRA is very much looking into societal impacts, and how innovation in mobility can bring benefits to the users, improving transport efficiency for both passengers and freight.
The new ERTRAC SRA is now available for download on our website.
1.2 TRAVISIONS 2018 Awards for Young Researchers
ERTRAC sponsored the TRAVISIONS 2018 Awards for Young Researchers, sponsoring the Road prizes. ERTRAC Chairman Stephan Neugebauer handed the awards to:
  1. Mareike Hedderich from Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces, for her project “Park Spot Routing” using digitalisation to provide drivers with real-time data on available parking spots.
  2. Irene Martinez from Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, for her project on Location of Variable Speed Limit signs on highways, to increase traffic efficiency and improve safety.
  3. Federico Perrotta from University of Nottingham, for his project on Evaluation of road pavements fuel efficiency using truck sensors data.
Such Awards for young researchers are important to stimulate innovation and support vocations in transport. As said by EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc: “Young people bring the boldness, the
excitement - I am asking all young people: KEEP DREAMING and creating the world you want to live in.
Excite us, lead us!" (source; Twitter 10:40 - 16 apr.. 2018
1.3 Strategic Sessions
Thanks to its members, ERTRAC was well represented within the Strategic Sessions of the conference, bringing the platform’s Vision and research priorities into key sessions:
  • Towards a Truly Integrated Transport System: Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni representing ERTRAC, stressing the need for multi-modality and integration transport solutions to the benefit of users.
  • Safe and Efficient Transport through Connectivity and Automation: Mats Rosenquist, ERTRAC CAD WG Leader, calling for more field operational tests to better understand the impacts of connectivity and automation in mix traffic.
  • Decarbonisation for a Competitive European Industry: with a keynote by the ERTRAC Chairman Stephan Neugebauer on the ERTRAC CO2 study towards decarbonisation of road transport.
  • European Transport Research in a Competitive World: with Jean-Luc di Paola-Galloni (Valeo) stressing the benefits of collaboration at European and international levels.
  • Enabling and Implementing Research and Innovation Strategies: with Stephan Neugebauer highlighting the benefits of European Technology Platforms like ERTRAC and Public Private Partnerships like the European Green Vehicles Initiative.
1.4 Side events and demos
TRA was also an opportunity for a lot of European projects funded by the H2020 programme to showcase and demonstrate their achievements. Xcycle, EMPOWER and RESOLVE were amongst these projects to present their results, shaping the future of mobility.
TRA 2018 in Vienna was a great transport research conference: +3,500 visitors, more than 100 sessions, 8,500 minutes of experts discussions, and more than 90 exhibitors in the exhibition and
interactive zone.
Being part of TRA allows to better understand what is happening in the transport research arena, to share knowledge and best practices, to be inspired by achievements showcased by projects, and to
have a glimpse at what mobility will look like tomorrow, and how it will impact and change our society.
TRA is a unique event, bringing all parties at European level in one place over 4 days to discuss together the next transport system to be developed.
See you in 2 years in Helsinki for TRA 2020!

ANNEX 1 – TRA 2018 in numbers
In total TRA 2018 had:
  • More than 3540 visitors
  • Participants from 65 countries
  • 2 topics with more than 650 scientific and technical papers presented as podium presentations and posters in 52 sessions
  • Authors from more than 40 different countries
TRA 2018 Interactive Zone and Exhibition
All new Interactive Zone with a networking-, demo- and start-up zone, presenting first-hand research and business insights including
  • 17 Interactive presentations & 10 Startups
  • 40 indoor & outdoor demonstrations
  • 7000m² exhibition area with over 90 exhibitors
  • 26 external technical tours all around Vienna
  • Marketplace featuring more than 100 application-oriented Marketplace posters and a place for additional presentations and B2B networking
TRA 2018 Sessions - A wealth of sessions and opportunities in:
  • Opening and closing sessions
  • Keynote by futurist Gerd Leonhard
  • NEW: High Level Industrial Round Table
  • 4 Plenary Sessions
  • 12 Strategic Sessions
  • 23 Invited Sessions
  • 52 Scientific & Technical Sessions with more than 650 papers presented
  • 2 TRA Visions Awards for young researchers and senior researchers
  • Focus on women in mobility & talents with various sessions and events
  • 1815 minutes of conference programme and more than 8500 minutes of scientific discussion


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