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Gianni Pittella: The EU must help Sierra Leone with the utmost urgency!


16 Aug 2017


Global Europe
The death toll in Sierra Leone keeps rising following the floods and landslides of recent days, with more than 300 killed and thousands of missing persons in the capital, Freetown. Today, the president of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella, called on the EU to respond with the utmost urgency to the call for help from Sierra Leone’s president, Ernest Bai Koroma.
S&D Group president Gianni Pittella MEP said:
“This is an ongoing tragedy that could get even worse if we don’t help the survivors. Many have been left with no shelter and with nowhere to go. The EU must react with the utmost urgency!
“A lot of reconstruction will be needed, but also basic water supplies and health services are crucial to avoid diseases such as dysentery and cholera.”


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