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Alex Salmond:The cause of Scotland is the European cause


15 Dec 2016


UK in Europe

The f.SNP leader and f.Scottish First Minister was in Brussels to receive the 2016 Coppieters Award and met with Jean Claude Juncker

After meeting the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, Alex Salmond reiterated that the plegde of Scotland to remain in the European Union after the Brexit, should also be Europe's objective.

11 years ago, during a meeting with Mr. Juncker's predecessor Jose Manuel Barroso. EFA has warned of a situation similar to what we are facing now. More specifically that, if Europe would continue to ignore regions, autonomous provinces and stateless nations by focusing only on Member States, this could promote the ambitions of all the aforementioned to become states.

Unfortunately, this was not understood and now the European project faces an ever growing crisis, with only the new and emerging states fully supporting it.According to EFA President Francois Alfonsi: "if Europe does not provide its support to those who support Europe, we might end up with the EU having no one to support it.Therefore, we request from the EU institutions to listen carefully this time to the voice of the Scottish people who expressed their strong wish to remain part of the EU"

Mr. Salmond visited Brussels today to receive the Coppieters Award 2016. Prior to the award ceremony he gave a press conference, where he claimed that a 2nd independence referendum for Scotland would be inevitable if Westminster fails to provide a special deal that would keep the country in the single market. He also spoke to various European think tanks on the perspectives of Scotland remaining in Europe after the Brexit


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