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EFA supports a YES vote in the Hungarian referendum*


30 Sep 2016


Central Europe

Hungarians are called to decide on the EU migrant quotas


With the referendum scheduled for the 2nd of October in Hungary, the Orban government aims to have a popular platform to reject a shared responsibility to host refugees who run away from war and destruction.  It is naturally to the Hungarian citizens to decide in this refererendum but we underline that the pressing reality of this refugee crisis can only be addressed from a common European perspective. We have to work togther and not act unilaterally.

Since we still remember how Hungarian refugees were harboured in many Western countries after 1956 and we believe, based on the European values, to have the obligation to help rather that to turn a blind eye from reality,

Therefore we call upon the citizens to vote yes for solidarity, to vote yes for dignity, to vote yes for life , to vote yes for human rights, to vote yes in the upcoming referendum.


* “Do you agree  non-Hungarian  citizens to be settled in a compulsory way  by the European Commission in Hungary without asking the Hungarian Parliament?”   Yes or No



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