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Car approval: shake-up of EU rules welcome


27 Jan 2016


Sustainable Dev.

Liberal and Democrat politicians have this morning welcomed a proposal that will shake up the rules on authorising new models of cars, aimed at delivering reform to ensure closer controls are put in place for the European market, following the Volkswagen scandal. The new draft laws announced today give the EU increased oversight over the national authorities who are currently responsible for the approval of new cars entering the market and imported cars. The EU will be given power to impose fines for non-compliance. The ALDE Group in the European Parliament have been pushing for reform of these rules for many months.  
Dita Charanzova MEP, ALDE Co-ordinator on the European Parliamencharanzova-dita-alde-2014.jpgts' Internal Market Committee said;

"These ambitious proposals should be welcomed, as they will provide the EU with new powers of market surveillance, co-ordination and a follow-up regime for vehicles sold and imported within the Union. If adopted quickly by EU Governments, these measures will contribute to restoring consumers trust in the efficiency of EU control systems."

gerbrandy new 2013.jpgGerben-Jan Gerbrandy MEP, ALDE Coordinator on the European Parliament's Environment Committee said this morning;

"The Commission has put forward a robust oversight plan on the approval of new car models today. It´s a good first step in making the approval of new cars on the market tougher and independent. The Commission should now show the same determination on the Real Driving Emmissions. "



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