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40% Energy Efficiency Target - The EU Parliament Sends the Right Message, Emphasises Action on Buildings


16 Dec 2015


Development Policy
Innovation & Enterprise
Sustainable Dev.

Yesterday (15th December 2015), the European Parliament adopted, by a large majority, the report on the EU Energy Union Framework prepared by Polish Rapporteur, Marek Grobarczck (ECR). EuroACE strongly welcomes this report which recalls the benefits of energy efficiency and building renovation to meet the multiple targets of the Energy Union, and restates the Parliaments’ support for an ambitious, binding 40% energy efficiency target. Coming just after the adoption of the Paris Agreement at COP21, this is a clear signal of political willingness and a clear indication of where to start – with energy efficiency!

“This European Parliament has adopted a fully comprehensive position on the future of the energy system in the EU and it has called, in unequivocal terms, for the European Commission and, importantly, the Member States, to apply the “energy efficiency first” principle” said Adrian Joyce, Secretary General of EuroACE “We are especially pleased to see that the adopted report calls for particular action on increasing the rate and depth of energy renovation of buildings as a key element of achieving the Energy Union objectives.”

The section of the report addressing energy efficiency is robust and shows that the EU Parliament fully recognises the fundamental importance of ramping up energy efficiency actions for the creation of local, quality jobs, boosting economic activity and competitiveness, improving quality of life for citizens and lastly, but by no means least, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The adoption of this report resonates with the ambition and commitment reflected by the global community in Paris where nearly 200 nations adopted the historic Paris Agreement on arresting climate change on the 12th December. To achieve the ambition of the Paris Agreement will mean moving to a nearly completely de-carbonised energy system by 2050 and there is no better and cost-effective way to start than by addressing the energy waste in our building stock

The report also resonates with a significant declaration issued by 35 major companies1 , based in Germany, after the adoption of the Paris Agreement that also calls for a 40% energy efficiency target to be applied in the effort needed to achieve our collective global goal of keeping global warming “well below 2°C”.

“The ball is now in the hands of the European Commission, who has the political backing to ramp up ambition on the buildings sector in the upcoming reviews of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the Energy Efficiency Directive” said Susanne Dyrboel, President of EuroACE “Our message to the Commission is to be highly ambitious as you have a very large part of industry behind ambitious energy efficiency objectives and a buildings sector ready and able to fully contribute to slashing energy use and CO2 emissions in the EU by 2030”.



Note to editors:

Energy efficiency first is the principle of considering the potential for energy efficiency first in all decision-making related to energy. Energy efficiency improvements should be prioritised, where they are shown to be most costeffective, considering also their role in driving jobs and economic growth, increasing energy security and mitigating climate change. As an organising principle, energy efficiency first applies throughout the energy system, to all policymaking and investment decisions.

For further information:

Adrian JOYCE

EuroACE Secretary General

+32 2 639 10 10


About EuroACE

EuroACE represents Europe’s leading companies involved with the manufacture, distribution and installation of energy saving goods and services for buildings. EuroACE members employ over 315 000 people and have over 880 production facilities and office locations in the EU. The mission of EuroACE is to work together with the EU institutions to help Europe move towards a more efficient use of energy in buildings, thereby contributing to Europe’s commitments on climate change, energy security and economic growth. More information at


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