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Press Releases of this organisation

Implementation awaits after epic 3-year WEEE recast Orgalime 19 Jan 2012 Climate & Environment
Coherence please! That’s what WEEE want… Orgalime 16 Mar 2011 Climate & Environment
WEEE recast – Is the glass half full or half empty? Orgalime 04 Feb 2011 Climate & Environment, Euro & Finance
If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. Hasty Commission action might tamper with well-functioning Contract Law Orgalime 03 Feb 2011 Trade & Society
WEEE Recast: Disappointing Environment Committee vote Orgalime 23 Jun 2010 Climate & Environment, Health & Consumers
T&D Europe appoints new Secretary General Orgalime 13 Apr 2010 EU Priorities 2020
Appeal to the European authorities by the European steel industry and its customers to tackle competition distortion and excessive pricing in iron ore Orgalime 31 Mar 2010 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
Can Brussels and Member States make the flagships sail? Orgalime 10 Mar 2010 EU Priorities 2020
Electric Vehicles:Issues for the European Engineering Industries Orgalime 02 Feb 2010 Transport
Severe industry concerns over proposals for substantial changes to the RoHS Scope. Orgalime 01 Feb 2010 Climate & Environment
Commission Consultation on the Future “EU 2020” Strategy - COM (2009) 647/3 Orgalime 26 Jan 2010 Energy, Euro & Finance, Climate & Environment
Accessibility following the Design for All principles Orgalime 04 Jan 2010 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
Alignment of the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC with the New Legislative Framework (NLF) Orgalime 04 Jan 2010 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
Main principles for a successful Copenhagen Climate Change Conference Orgalime 03 Dec 2009 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
On Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)Summary Orgalime 03 Dec 2009 InfoSociety, Transport
A gradual recovery after a severe recession Orgalime 19 Nov 2009 Energy
American-style litigation – get it here in Europe! Will Commission ignore both industry & MEPs protests? Orgalime 02 Oct 2009 Trade & Society
Better Regulation – fact or fiction? Orgalime 06 Jul 2009 Climate & Environment
WEEE - Commission Recast Proposal for Directive 2002/96/EC Orgalime 22 Jun 2009 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Orgalime welcomes Competitiveness Council’s conclusions Orgalime 29 May 2009 Sustainable Dev.
Energy Labelling vote – European engineering industries position to MEPs Orgalime 05 May 2009 Climate & Environment
Who watches the watchers? Orgalime 22 Apr 2009 Sustainable Dev., Health & Consumers
ManuFuture gears up to launching a Public Private Partnership in the manufacturing technology sector Orgalime 18 Mar 2009 Climate & Environment
WEEE - Main Comments on Commission Recast Proposal for Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE) Orgalime 18 Mar 2009 Climate & Environment
RoHS - Main Comments on Commission Recast Proposal for Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Orgalime 18 Mar 2009 Climate & Environment
Orgalime delighted that Eurofer sees sense – protectionism is the last thing that industry needs Orgalime 09 Mar 2009
For a horizontal alignment of sectoral product legislation with the New Legislative Framework Orgalime 05 Mar 2009
For a horizontal alignment of sectoral product legislation with the New Legislative Framework Orgalime 05 Mar 2009 Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
Cross border European accreditation in practice Orgalime 05 Mar 2009
Cross border European accreditation in practice Orgalime 05 Mar 2009 Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
