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Press Releases of this organisation

Why experience matters: ACCA revamps its practical experience module for accountancy students ACCA Tue, 05/15/2012 Euro & Finance
Investors missing from global financial reform process ACCA Thu, 05/03/2012 Euro & Finance
“Facilitating access to equity finance – from trusted advisers to active intermediaries” ACCA Wed, 05/02/2012 Euro & Finance
The global economy grew substantially in the first quarter of 2012, reveals global survey of accountants ACCA Wed, 05/02/2012 Euro & Finance
Honorary Degree awarded to ACCA’s Chief Executive ACCA Wed, 04/04/2012 Euro & Finance
The economic governance challenge in the EU: striking the right balance between discipline, accountability, growth and solidarity ACCA Mon, 04/02/2012 Euro & Finance
Issues need to be addressed with investment entities, says ACCA in response to proposals for change ACCA Fri, 03/16/2012 Euro & Finance
Taking Stock of Public Private Partnerships and Concessions in Europe: Are they value for money? ACCA Fri, 03/09/2012 Euro & Finance
Accountants read signs of financial stress, stalling growth in latest SME Finance Monitor data ACCA Fri, 03/09/2012 Euro & Finance
How to revive Europe’s spirit of enterprise? European executives show the way ACCA Mon, 03/05/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA supports launch of Social Mobility Toolkit for the Professions ACCA Fri, 03/02/2012 Euro & Finance
Barriers need to come down for small businesses across Europe, says ACCA ACCA Thu, 03/01/2012 Euro & Finance
The Economic governance challenge in the EU: striking the right balance between discipline, accountability, growth and solidarity ACCA Mon, 02/20/2012 Euro & Finance
From Basel III to alternative sources of funding: Assessing the impact of financial regulation on access to finance for SMEs ACCA Wed, 02/15/2012 Euro & Finance
Businesses need to re-think risk, says ACCA ACCA Mon, 02/13/2012 Euro & Finance
"Taking Stock of Public Private Partnerships and Concessions in Europe: Are they value for money?" ACCA Wed, 02/08/2012 Euro & Finance
Corporate reports still hold value says ACCA study ACCA Wed, 02/01/2012 Euro & Finance
Financial discipline should be accompanied by growth-boosting policies for the Eurozone ACCA Fri, 01/27/2012 Euro & Finance
Transforming finance – there’s no turning back from shared services and outsourcing say experts ACCA Thu, 01/12/2012 Euro & Finance
From Basel III to alternative sources of funding: Assessing the impact of financial regulation on access to finance for SMEs and the real economy ACCA Thu, 01/12/2012 Euro & Finance
Make understanding your taxes and finance a New Year’s Resolution ACCA Tue, 01/03/2012 Euro & Finance
Public sector finances – adding value in tough times? ACCA Tue, 01/03/2012 Euro & Finance
ACCA responds to IIRC discussion paper ‘Communicating value in the 21st century’ ACCA Wed, 12/14/2011 Euro & Finance
Governments urged to support small businesses by new global forum ACCA Mon, 12/12/2011 Euro & Finance
The future of audit policy: what is the most effective way to enhance its value and restore society’s confidence? ACCA Thu, 12/08/2011 Euro & Finance
Accountants have key role to play in fight against climate change, says ACCA ACCA Mon, 12/05/2011 Climate & Environment
Accountants: ‘Smart regulators must be able to tell regulatory burdens from regulatory capital’ ACCA Fri, 11/25/2011 Euro & Finance
Narrative reporting should focus on ‘what the markets want to hear, not on what companies want to talk about’, says ACCA ACCA Thu, 11/24/2011 Euro & Finance
Women accountants are more critical of economic crisis responses around the world, says ACCA, but you’re unlikely to hear about it ACCA Mon, 10/31/2011 Euro & Finance
Company reporting: simplification must not be done at the expense of transparency and accountability ACCA Thu, 10/27/2011 Euro & Finance



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European DIGITAL SME Alliance
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EBA - European Biogas Association
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Insurance Europe
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