NABU: Umweltverbände: Angriff auf den Meeresschutz abgewehrt - Bundestag stoppt gefährliches Vetorecht im Bundesnaturschutzgesetz |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Fri, 06/23/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
DLG-Unternehmertage: Landwirtschaft 2030 – Unternehmer stellen Weichen |
Fri, 06/23/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
DIE LINKE.: Fernsehen ohne Grenzen - neues Kapitel verpasst - PM MdEP Martina Michels |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Health & Consumers |
PES prime ministers: EU social dimension has been neglected for too long |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs |
Gas and Gas infrastructure - the enabler to achieve the Energy Transition goals |
GIE - Gas Infrastructure Europe |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Energy |
DIE LINKE.: EU-Gipfel: Mer-cron Euro wird scheitern |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
HBS: Tag der Daseinsvorsorge: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung und GiB veröffentlichen neue Studie |
Heinrich-Böll Stiftung |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
DLG bietet wieder Herdenmanagerseminar für Sauenhalter an |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
More transparency over aggressive tax planning arrangements is welcome, but a balanced and consistent implementation is needed, says ACCA |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
DLG: Schweinehalter legen Fokus auf Gülleausbringung und Tierwohl |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
Solar Powering the Digital Energy Transition |
SolarPower Europe |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Energy |
Brussels Flavour Day |
EFFA - European Flavour Association |
Thu, 06/22/2017 |
Agriculture & Food, Innovation & Enterprise |
DIE LINKE.: Aggressive Steuerplanung ist das Ergebnis schlechter Steuerpolitik |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 06/21/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
Felicia Vaz comes on board as Acumen’s latest Account Manager |
Acumen Public Affairs |
Wed, 06/21/2017 |
Public Affairs |
ECR MEP Anneleen Van Bossuyt elected as chairman of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Wed, 06/21/2017 |
Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise |
ACCA’s integrated master’s programme with the University of London changing lives across the globe |
Wed, 06/21/2017 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Education |
Loones: The EU must better protect industry from unfair competition |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Tue, 06/20/2017 |
Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise, Competition, Trade & Society |
Progressive ministers for European affairs demand a specific Action Plan on the implementation of Social Europe |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Tue, 06/20/2017 |
Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs |
NABU: Schlechtes Zeugnis für die Landwirtschaftspolitik |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Tue, 06/20/2017 |
Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers, Climate & Environment |
NABU: NABU begrüßt Ergänzungen der EU-Liste invasiver Arten |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Mon, 06/19/2017 |
Climate & Environment |
DIE LINKE.: Weltflüchtlingstag: Aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Mon, 06/19/2017 |
Global Europe, Security |
Syed Kamall's statement on today's start to Brexit negotiations |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Mon, 06/19/2017 |
Global Europe, UK in Europe |
NABU zum „30-Hektar-Tag“: Kein Grund zum Feiern |
NABU - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union |
Mon, 06/19/2017 |
Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment |
In den Brexit-Verhandlungen geht es um Schadensbegrenzung |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Mon, 06/19/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise, UK in Europe |
ZEW: "Macron kann den Rückhalt im Parlament jetzt für Reformen nutzen" |
Sun, 06/18/2017 |
PES Presidency with declaration on Social Europe and Digital Workplace |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Fri, 06/16/2017 |
Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: Eurogruppe: Isch never over - PM MdEP Fabio De Masi |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Fri, 06/16/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
DLG: Digitalisierung: Wo der Nutzen für Landwirte liegt |
Fri, 06/16/2017 |
Agriculture & Food |
Latest Data Shows the Need to Promote Biosimilar and Value Added Medicines for Better Health |
Medicines for Europe |
Fri, 06/16/2017 |
Health & Consumers |
FoodDrinkEurope welcomes Council conclusions to contribute towards halting the rise in childhood overweight and obesity |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Fri, 06/16/2017 |
Health & Consumers |