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Statement Gregor Gysi Ex-President Lula


25 Jan 2018


Global Europe

Brussels, 25 January 2018

On the conviction of ex-president and presidential candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the President of the European Left Gregor Gysi declared:

Of course, every form of corruption must be overcome in every society. All lobbying harms society and makes democracy unbelievable. I know Ex-President Lula from several conversations and know how he feels and feels committed to his people and the issue of social justice. That is why I cannot repress the suspicion that the allegations are not correct, but trying to permanently exclude the left in Brazil from the government. His presidential successor as well as him. And that is why I express Lula's full solidarity on behalf of the Party of the European Left and myself. As far as we can, we are ready to assist him.Marika Taendler-Walenta

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