More retailers sign up to agreement in bid to help tackle waste
The European retail sector is pleased to welcome four new signatories to its waste agreement which was first presented on 9 October 2012. The supermarket chains Carrefour, Hofer, Jerónimo Martins and Vomar have recently joined other retailers in their fight against waste, thus demonstrating commerce’s commitment towards a sustainable economy.
This brings the total number of signatories to 21 companies and two associations, which include a broad range of retailers¹: both food and non-food, small and large.
The waste agreement is an initiative developed by EuroCommerce and the European Retail Round Table (ERRT), as part of the Retailers’ Environmental Action Programme (REAP) to help European consumers reduce their waste streams. Signatories have committed to put in place at least two awareness-raising initiatives on waste reduction on a global and/or national level by June 2014. Food retailers will focus on food waste, while non-food retailers will focus on their main product range, for example, textiles or electronic waste (EEE).
Marion Sollbach, Co-Chair of the Retail Forum² said: “Waste reduction is one important step towards a more resource-efficient society and sustainable economy. The commerce sector is already addressing waste in its supply chains. The fact is, however, that the majority of waste occurs at consumer level, so we also need to help consumers reduce their waste. Retailers are committed to reducing waste and the waste agreement is one important element in a whole range of initiatives.”
The REAP secretariat will compile the various initiatives undertaken by the signatories and summarise them in a report that will be published and presented at the 2014 REAP annual event.
EuroCommerce and ERRT welcome the new signatories to the waste agreement, reconfirming the commitment by the retail sector to help fight waste.
For further information, please contact:
Marjolein Raes
Director of Advocacy & Communications
Tel: +32 2 737 05 99
European Retail Round Table
Kate McGowan
Policy Manager
Tel: +32 2 286 51 22
Notes to editors:
1. The signatories of the waste agreement include the following companies: Asda, Auchan, Carrefour, Colruyt Group, Delhaize Group, El Corte Ingles, Eroski, Hofer, Ikea, Jerónimo Martins, Kaufland, Lidl, Marks & Spencer Group, Mercadona, Mercator, Metro Group, Rewe Group, Royal Ahold, Sonae, Tesco, Vomar and associations APED and EUROCOOP. The full text of the agreement can be found here.
2. The Retail Forum is a voluntary initiative co-chaired by the European Commission, EuroCommerce and ERRT. For further information, please click here.
About the Retail Forum and the Retailers' Environmental Action Programme
The Retail Forum for Sustainability is a joint initiative by the retail industry and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment. Membership of the Retail Forum is open to all retailers who join the Retailers' Environmental Action Programme (REAP). REAP members commit themselves every year to ambitious and specific environmental targets.