IRU adopts guidelines to improve efficiency at loading bays
IRU Goods Transport Council adopts guidelines on loading bay operations, with recommendations addressing current inefficiencies, through a voluntary code of conduct, contractual clarifications and optimal use of available IT applications.
Geneva – The IRU Goods Transport Council (CTM) yesterday adopted industry guidelines to remedy the current inefficiencies during loading bay operations, such as hour-long ramp waiting times, drivers engaged by ramp personnel in loading/unloading and other ancillary activities.
Such situations conflict with drivers’ specified driving and rest time periods and have highlighted the need to differentiate between the driving task and the provision of logistical services, as well as to provide sanitation and adequate waiting facilities for drivers at loading and unloading sites.
The President of the IRU Goods Transport Council, Pere Padrosa, stressed: “Every stakeholder in the supply chain relies on efficient loading bay operations. However, just-in-time transport or just-in-sequence delivery becomes very difficult with inefficiencies at loading bays. These guidelines provide useful recommendations to help improve these unacceptable working conditions for drivers, while increasing efficiency at loading bays.”
The IRU Loading Bay Guidelines consist of three recommendations:
- a voluntary code of conduct, with best behavioural practices to adopt in case a conflict arises between the driver and ramps’ personnel;
- the integration of specific clauses in transport contracts, clarifying the each party’s responsibilities in loading and unloading, as well as the monitoring of waiting times;
- the use of IT applications enabling transport operators, where feasible, to book loading and unloading slots and providing visibility for shippers and carriers on availability of loading bays, labour and warehouse schedules.
“There is no silver bullet to address inefficient loading bay operations. However, the above mentioned three recommendations of the IRU Guidelines can provide support to improve efficiency at loading bays,” Pere Padrosa concluded.
Read IRU Guidelines on Loading Bay Operations
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