The third CLEPA Technology Day, "The car of tomorrow: Environment, Safety and Mobility for 2020”, will take place on 11 February 2009 in Brussels at Autoworld.
The objective of the conference in Autoworld is twofold, firstly presenting the results of the European Project “Intelligent Logistics for Innovative Product Technologies” and secondly creating a forum for representatives from European Union Institutions to experience first hand the latest technological advances by CLEPA member organisations and to hear what the automotive suppliers industry is planning to meet EU legislation for Europe’s environment, its safety and mobility in 2020.
The one-day conference is split into two sessions, the ILIPT and the Technology Day Conference both with distinguished speakers from the EU Institutions, Academia and the Industry, a networking lunch, and a visit to the exhibition area. Automotive supply companies from across Europe will present the results of the considerable research efforts which have been undertaken daily, being in the forefront of technological design in the field of Environment, Safety and Mobility ensures that European suppliers will remain a major source of employment now and in the future.
The exhibits will demonstrate that automotive suppliers develop most of the new automotive technologies reducing CO2 emissions, whilst continuing to innovate safety and mobility. CLEPA will showcase these latest developments, focusing amongst others on emission control, hybrid enablers, clean powertrain technologies, etc.
In the current economic and financial crisis, which is severely affecting this industry, companies everywhere are fighting for their survival. In such a climate it is essential to keep R&D budgets stable, even to increase them, as they have been the backbone and driving force for technological advancement in the automotive industry.
Following the recent commitment of the European Union to CO2 reduction targets, the European Institutions now look to the automotive sector and in particular to suppliers, who with 50% of all R&D spending lead in innovation, to develop green technologies for the car of tomorrow.
At CLEPA Technology Day participants will have the unique opportunity to try interactive demonstrations, discuss the future of the automotive sector with R&D experts and to ask questions on:
- efficient ways of reducing CO2 emissions,
- the extent to which new technology can help satisfy mobility needs in a sustainable way,
- the contribution of ICT in saving lives and improving traffic control,
- whether or not alternative fuels, hybrids, electrical vehicles and CO2 reduction technologies are a part of the solution to environmental problems.
For more information, please contact:
Mr Wolfgang Lange
CLEPA Communications Officer
Tel.: +32 2 743 9121
Mobile: +32 479 448025
Email: w.lange@clepa.be
or visit the CLEPA Stand at the Mezzanine level of Autoworld