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CLEPA Materials Regulation Event 2018: global cooperation along the whole supply chain is crucial

On April 18 and 19, CLEPA organised in Stuttgart, the 11th edition of its yearly “Materials Regulation Event”. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers hosted more than 230 high-level representatives from the entire automotive industry, coming from 50 countries.
The event was the perfect platform for discussing technical issues related to hazardous materials and substances and the most recent legislative developments at European and international level.
Topics on the agenda included among others the European Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals-REACH 2018 deadline, International Materials Data (IMDS), Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL), End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV), Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) and Brexit.
For the first time CATARC (China Automotive Technology and Research Center) participated in the conference and expressed high interest in expanding the cooperation with CLEPA.
In her opening speech, CLEPA Secretary-General, Sigrid de Vries said: ”This event allows all stakeholders to better understand different and specific problems along the entire supply chain, improve communication and elaborate optimal solutions.  Standardized reporting tools and common actions are important achievements and must be pursued at global level.”
IMDS – International Materials Data (reporting) System new releases 11.1 and 12.0 were presented for the first time, while car manufacturers stressed the importance of updating the material data accordingly, as well as adding all the data requested for legal compliance to environmental requirements.
CLEPA highlighted the fact that ELV (End-of-Life Vehicles) comprises various regulations in different regions related to the restriction and ban of hazardous substances and that the association is taking the lead in Europe towards the next revisions.
The European Chemical Agency ECHA stressed the criticality of the REACH deadline of 31 May. The effective communication between all levels of the supply chain is vital and all stakeholders need to contribute in it.
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group of USA) reported the entering into force on August 30th of the new list of chemicals of the Toxic Enforcement Act (proposition 65) and related labelling requirements.
The 2019 edition of the Materials Regulation Event is scheduled in Spring 2019 and will take place in the Stuttgart area (Germany).
Note to Editors
CLEPA represents over 3.000 companies supplying state-of-the-art components and innovative technology for safe, smart and sustainable mobility, investing over 20 billion euros yearly in research and development. Automotive suppliers in Europe employ nearly five million people across the continent.
Facts about the European automotive industry
  • Some 12 million people are employed in the European automotive industry
  • European automotive suppliers directly employ 5 million people
  • European automotive suppliers invest more than €20bn in RDI per year. They are thebiggest
  • private investor into research and innovation
  • Per year, 18 million vehicles are manufactured in Europe, contributing to the stability and
  • growth of the European economy


For more information, please contact: Pilar Perez (



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